Michael Kirsch
- Türdrücker
- Trinkhilfe
- Kommunikationsterminal
- Sitzgelegenheiten
- Schreibhilfe
- Spritzschutz
- Abfall
- Falthocker
- Design Society
- Fahrradschaltung
- Pinngate
- Digitaltools
- Karte privat
- Corporate Identity em
- SFB 392
- Projekt Läufer
- Raucherkabine Hiserv
- NMT Fresenius
- Raucherkabine Hiserv

Michael Kirsch studied Industrial Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt from 1997 to 2002. After completing his pre-degree in 1999, he has been working for several design companies. In 2000, he worked as an intern with Neumeister + Partner in Munich, followed by freelancing work. After his university diploma in 2002, he has been working as CAD Senior Consultant.